Friday, June 22, 2007

Blog Burnout

I was listening to my favorite radio talk show host, Mike Malloy, this week and he came around to the topic of rage fatigue. People with so much rage about what's been going on in our political system that you just blow a gasket with so much to think about.

You can burst a blood vessel wondering how
Dick Cheney can claim that his office is not a part of the Executive Branch of government, and therefore he need not hand over documents to the oversight office at the National Archives. Or Crazy Joe Lieberman suggesting we should pre-emptively bomb Iran. Or anytime I'm watching C-Span and come across Rep. Phil Gingrey or Rep. Patrick McHenry... God! What assholes! But the more I thought about it, I realized I was suffering from "rage fatigue". Malloy's right. Too much of these wackos gets you discouraged.

Lately I have been feeling guilty about the frequency of my blogging, or lack of it. My original intent for starting this blog wasn't to inform others or for self promotion or to be radical. My purpose was strictly therapeutic. There was so much exploding out of me every time Chimp in Charge would open his mouth that I needed an outlet. My fiancee would shut down at my nonsensical, mouth-foaming rants (for good reason) and I was afraid I'd hurt my cat if he crossed my path at the wrong time, so I thought I'd write out my frustration on a blog. This way, I could actually be coherent and if someone wanted to know how I felt, I could touch on a topic and before going mad, I could say, "You can read it on my blog."

At first it definitely helped, although I didn't really sleep much those first couple of months. The only time I had to write would be at night after I got home from work at 11pm or so. I'd jot down thoughts over the course of the day, form outlines on the subway ride home and start pecking away at the keyboard when I got in.

The posts eventually became harder and harder to write because at the beginning, I went gangbusters and wanted to write something down every day. But time grows short, there are these life-goes-on things that can't be ignored, and with SO MUCH corruption in this administration, there was never a respit. Another scandal pops up literally every day. Republicans are stupid every day (it's true!) and you begin to fall behind. So much to rant about, so little time.

Finally, within the last month or so, I think I burned out. I would sit at my desk and stare at the screen feeling overwhelmed and write nothing because I didn't know where to start. My rage fatigue came in the form of "Blog Burnout". (That phrase is now copyrighted.)

Ultimately, I suppose this post is to serve as an apology for those who eventually came to my blog on a semi-regular basis to see what my latest soapbox topic was, whether to look for a chuckle or to join me in my rail against the scandal du jour. I know there weren't many of you, but you were faithful. I hope you will forgive my lack of output and still stop by to see what I have to say because I'm planning on fighting the fatigue. Not to say that I'll be back at the 5 posts a day level where I started, but if I can get my mojo working, I'll try to churn it out with the mediocre of them. I'm not shooting for "best of them"; I'm not that good a writer.

Man, that Gingrey is a putz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about the blog.Iread so much stuff, Isometimes feel my brain is goin to explode!as forGingery, he has no sense of history or just common sense.I think the only books he has ever read are comic books
