So is there going to be a time when we see Palin without McCain or McCain without Palin? For the last 10 days I've seen Sarah "Pig With Lipstick" Palin with McThuselah looking over her shoulder (or elsewhere) while Miss Wasilla chirped her talking point lies by repeating versions of her heinous acceptance speech at the RNC.
Hell, I can barely stand watching these two and usually don't but can already rattle off the Palin lies:
"I said 'Thanks, but no thanks' for that bridge to nowhere." Actually, you said 'Thanks' AND 'No thanks.' Thanks for the $233 million for the bridge that you supported. And 'No thanks' when it became politically inconvenient as the "Bridge To Nowhere" became a symbol of frivolous earmarks and pork throughout Congress and the media. By the way, you kept the $233 million for the bridge you wanted then didn't want.
"That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay." Actually, while technically you did "put" the jet on Ebay, the obvious inference was that you sold it on Ebay - another lie. Yes, you sold it... through a broker... at a loss.
"...when I stood up to the special interests, the lobbyists..." Certainly Sarah Palin meant 'stood up for the lobbyists' since she used one to lobby for and receive $27 million in pork from Washington (which she's also supposedly against) for Wasilla while Mayor.
In any case, Palin is supposedly going back to Alaska tomorrow to bone up on her chicanery skills for further deceit and flim-flammery of the American public. What, oh what will John McCain do? Who will think of John McCain? Has the guy said anything in the last ten days or has he just stood behind Palin listening to her bullshit while staring at her ass? The energized wingnut base has come out to see Super Sarah over the last few days while McCain had been used to half empty school gymnasiums and press conferences in supermarket cheese aisles.
Surely he can't go back to that now? Not after feeling the thrill of a raucous crowd coming out to see someone else. The thing is that now he's hooked. He's hooked like geriatric at a Las Vegas penny slot machine. He can't get enough of that enthusiastic love... the love meant for someone else. But he was there too, dammit! They were cheering for him too. They were! It wasn't all about Sarah, was it?
We'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, Sarah Palin will take that plane flight to nowhere and practice a new stump speech chock full of fresh lies, and I'm sure she'll deliver it as she has been - like a cross between Roseanne Barr and Marge Gunderson, don'cha know.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What's A Maverick To Do?
Posted by
Broadway Carl
11:03 PM
Labels: Campaign, John McCain, Marge Gunderson, Sarah Palin
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Imagine if Obama had picked Hillary as his VP, and then proceeded to go through every subsequent public appearance with her standing silently while staring, in the most blatant way possible, at her ass. While fiddling with his wedding ring. Would we EVER hear the end of it from the Corporate BBQ Right-Wing Whore media? I think not.
Absolutely, fraulein. And the kicker of it is, that he looks completely foolish out there just sitting back and letting the more natural public speaker do the talking, regardless of the leering and wedding ring fiddling. And of course, there's no mention of it by the McCainstream Media. It just sickens me that the PRESIDENTIAL candidate is the WARM UP for his inexperienced VP choice... although it doesn't really matter because she hasn't said anything new in the last 10 days except for the Fannie/Freddie flub.
You do have to wonder if all the adulation for the Wingnut Madonna is getting to McBush, though. Look how jealous he got of Obama's so-called "celebrity." How long till he cracks and calls Palin a c**t? If at some point between now and the election he has a grand mal meltdown on national TV, I think I'll be able to die a happy woman.
Fraulein, I share your fantasy. Here's the scenario: The Presidential debates. Obama goading McCain into an all out rage with his cool, calm, collected self. Obama calling him out and pointing out all his flip-flops while McCain starts to fidget and get hot under the collar. Obama criticizing the Palin choice as political theatre because had McCain been a true maverick, he would've had the balls to pick Lieberman like he wanted to instead of caving in to Karl Rove and the religious right, all the while McCain's face turning red and sweat running down his temple.
Then he snaps. Imagine McCain flipping the fuck out and charging Obama – and I picture the Seinfeld episode where Mickey (the midget) attacks Kramer for stealing his cirrhosis of the liver diagnonsis he's acting out for medical students. Little arms flailing everywhere, podiums being knocked over, debate notes and glasses of water flying about.
"And you want to be my latex salesman..." Awesome.
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