Friday, March 9, 2007
Off For The Weekend
Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:36 AM
Labels: FOX News, Libby, Vacation, Walter Reed
Bush Is Unclean
How does the world feel about George the Liar? An educated guess would indicate that his approval rating is probably far lower than the 29% he is currently holding in the United States. But hold on!
It seems that Bush's Latin-American tour has been causing quite a ruckus south of the border. It includes a stopover beginning late Sunday in Guatemala. On Monday morning he is scheduled to visit the archaeological site Iximche on the high western plateau in a region of the Central American country populated mostly by Mayans.
Of course after he leaves, they'll have to cleanse the site. Mayan priests will purify the sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.
"That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture," Juan Tiney, the director of a Mayan nongovernmental organization with close ties to Mayan religious and political leaders, said Thursday.
How do you like that? They are fearful that even Bush's presence will offend the Gods. Maybe Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wasn't so far off the mark when he called Bush "the devil". There's been a lot of bad joojoo going on in the West Wing lately. We don't want it spreading like the plague and causing some kind of famine or earthquake in Guatemala.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:06 AM
Labels: Bush, Guatemala, Iximche, Mayan Site
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Boehner Threatens Cutting Off Funds for Iraq
SF Gate: (03-02) 04:00 PST Washington -- The House minority leader threatened Thursday to get his members to vote against a $96.3 billion spending bill for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan if Democrats persist in plans to attach conditions to the money that would tell President Bush how to conduct the wars.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
3:24 PM
Labels: Bush, John Boehner, Murtha, Troops
The Libby Verdict Spin Begins
No sooner is Scooter Libby found guilty of 4 counts of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI that the conservative spin begins on the verdict.
John Gibson, FOX: "So the vice president and Libby wanted the press to know because they were getting pointed questions about why did you send this guy if you weren't going to pay attention to his report. And they found out that his wife had sent him. They wanted people to know. Problem was, she was a covert spook, at least technically.
So if you are the vice president or his assistant, can you out the spook if the spook is pulling strings behind your back to make you look bad? Evidently not.
Personally, I'm glad they did. There was a cabal inside the CIA working against the president's policy and they wanted to hide behind their secret status while they did what was essentially an anti-war political hitjob.
...So why would Cheney send an anti-war activist to investigate a key fact in the decision to go to war? Answer: He wouldn't. And the person who did was trying to sabotage the president."
Sure, that's it John. They were just trying to protect themselves against a vast left-wing conspiracy. A "cabal inside the CIA"? What are you smoking, Gibson? You're right on one count. Cheney didn't personally send Wilson. He asked the CIA to investigate to try and give credence to the ridiculous 'yellowcake-from-Niger' story. Plame, a non-official cover CIA Agent (NOC) sent Wilson, the most qualified person with the most knowledge of the region to assess, and he found nothing.
When his findings were ignored and he saw that we were being lied into a war, he spoke out. That's when Cheney went psycho and became obsessed with punishing Wilson by outing Plame. As SilentPatriot at Crooks and Liars says, Gibson manages to rewrite history in three minutes.
But that's only the tip of the iceberg. The Washington Post Editorial of March 7th calling the Libby trial a "pointless Washington scandal" was a ridiculous tirade of misinformation and revisionist history, so much so that of the 36 pages of posts I scanned through, I couldn't find one that was in agreement with the editorial. Most posts gave vague little pieces of advice like, "You should retire", "I'll be expecting a retraction" , "You should read the paper you write for" and "This is the worst piece of editorial drivel that the Post has published in a very long time."
Of course, this gave more ammo to the right-wingers.
DNR Online, Harrisonburg, VA: "The verdict of guilty in the case of Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the former chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney is one more step in a "pointless Washington scandal."
Those last three words are not those of rightwing extremists, but the headline of an editorial in The Washington Post."
Oooh! That radical left-wing rag, The Washington Post! It must be true, unless we disagree with it, of course. Then it's all lies from that radical left-wing rag!
Here are some other quotes I came across in the OCRegister's Opinion Page:
"Anyone should get a pass when you can’t remember specifically what you said, especially considering numerous daily contacts that Libby made over the span of months."
"This farcical verdict should be summarily overturned and the rogue “special” prosecutor should get a taste of his own medicine. Better yet, he should be disbarred. What a disgrace."
Reading posts on conservative blogs and websites, it is amazing to me how the GOP has convinced the kool-aid drinkers and FOX News have convinced their viewers that:
1) Libby did nothing wrong: "Scooter Libby is going to jail for not remembering who he told what. He didn't lie, evidently. He didn't remember right, and that is a federal crime, of course, if you happen to be speaking to a FBI agent when your memory fails."
2) Valerie Plame was not covert, therefore no crime was committed.
Once again sheeple, the trial was not about the Plame leak. It was about Scooter Libby perjuring himself in front of a Grand Jury, the FBI and hindering an investigation.
Verdict: Guilty.
I don't think Libby could have gotten as far as he did professionally if he had a "forgetful memory". C'mon John, "he didn't lie, evidently"? This kind of classified information isn't what you might tend to forget, especially when your boss is obsessed with the Plame/Wilson affair. It's not as if he couldn't remember where he'd left his keys. It isn't that trivial. Besides the fact that people who know Libby are crediting him with an excellent memory and being incredibly sharp. Oh and by the way, Mr. Gibson, if you're "personally glad they did" leak the name of a CIA covert operative, then you should be investigated for treasonable offenses as well. A man in your position in agreement with treason? Par for the course for FOX News.
Of course no one has been charged with leaking Plame's name - the investigation into that matter was OBSTRUCTED BY LIBBY! And let's not start discrediting Patrick Fitzgerald in all this. Remember, this "rogue 'special' prosecutor" was appointed for this job by the WHITE HOUSE! But he didn't play their game. How soon before he gets fired? Anyone starting a pool?
Everyone is also acting as if this thing is over because it isn't as big as Watergate. It is not over. This can of worms has just opened. There will be plenty more to spill out of this administration before it's all over.
Do a little research yourself today. Google "Libby verdict" and you'll get a pack of editorials all trying to suggest that this was a non-crime, Libby was a scapegoat, Patrick Fitzgerald should be disbarred, Libby didn't leak the name, blah, blah, blah.
It's amazing what people still won't believe when it is staring them right in the face.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:32 AM
Labels: Fitzgerald, John Gibson, Libby, Valerie Plame, Washington Post
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
McCain Campaign Falling Apart
"One of the top aides to the Republican leadership told me that McCain has lost so much support, he's simply beside himself. He's wringing his hands. Things are sinking fast—in two or three weeks, we'll know if there is any recovery."
Posted by
Broadway Carl
11:37 PM
Labels: Campaign, John McCain, Letterman
Libby Found Guilty
On 4 of 5 CountsNEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 — I. Lewis Libby Jr., the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, was convicted today of lying to F.B.I. agents and grand jurors investigating the unmasking of a C.I.A. operative amid a burning dispute over the war in Iraq.
In an unrelated(?) note, the Dow is up over 80 points today and climbing since the verdict.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
12:47 PM
Labels: Cheney, CIA Leak, Libby, New York Times, Valerie Plame
Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
The HBO Documentary "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" is a must see. There isn't much more I can say about it. If you don't have HBO, find someone who does and have them record it for you.
It's a shameful, horrific situation not only that this could happen, but that it was condoned in the highest levels of the Bush administration.
Abu Ghraib may seem like an old story, but the US Military has still not released how many people died at Abu Ghraib.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:08 AM
Labels: Documentary, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib, HBO
Companies Respond To Coulter
It was initially brought to their attention by VelvetElvis, a diarist on DailyKos, who posted contact information for companies hosting ads on Queen Ann's website, in the hopes that complaints to these companies would cause them to act. Great job, Elvis!
Arianna Huffington: Has Ann Coulter (Finally) Had Her Macaca Moment?
Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:27 AM
Labels: Ann Coulter, CPAC, DailyKos, John Edwards
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Are they blissfully ignorant? Are they that partisan that they refuse to see what is happening to this nation and the world with their own eyes? I cannot fathom the idea that ANYONE would look at the Chimp's handling of anything - Iraq, Iran, Katrina, Abu Ghraib, the Plame/CIA leaks... the English language - and find it in their "wisdom" to still think they approve of the Commander in Thief. Did the pollsters get a hold of an insane asylum patient list and start calling before they realized who they were polling?
Patient: " Why, yes. Yes I believe the President is doing a wonderful job on all fronts. GET THESE SPIDERS OFF MY SKIN! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!"
I only have one question for those 29% that still approve of the job that Bush is doing: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:40 AM
Labels: Approval Rating, Bush, Polls