Michael Gerson: The Problem with Gingrich’s Simplistic Attack on Sharia
Robert Reich: Wall St's Latest Shameless Ploy to Fleece You
Spike Dolomite Ward: 'Obamacare' to the Rescue and A Message to 'Obamacare' Haters [The Reply]
Steve Benen: The Competition to Reward the Wealthy
Benjy Sarlin: Meet The 22-Year-Old Who’s Driving Romney Crazy
Paul Krugman: Depression and Democracy
Christina Wilkie: Mitt Romney's Slogan Used By Ku Klux Klan, Anti-Immigrant 'Know Nothing' Party
Michael Tomasky: Could Obama Be Headed for a Landslide?
Renee Dudley: SC Gov. Haley Dictated Health Panel Finding - Outcome ordered before committee met
Andy Brownfield and Julie Carr Smyth: Speaker John Boehner's Staff Influenced Ohio Redistricting, Documents Show
Linda Greenhouse: Rock Bottom
Matt Miller: What Wyden-Ryan Hath Wrought
Al Franken: Why I Voted Against the National Defense Authorization Act
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Must Reads
Posted by
Broadway Carl
3:30 PM
Labels: Al Franken, Drew Sheneman, LA Times, Linda Greenhouse, Michael Gerson, Paul Krugman, Robert Reich, Steve Benen, TPM, Walt Handelsman
President Obama's Weekly Address - December 17, 2011
Honoring Those Who Served in Iraq
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:33 AM
Labels: Iraq, Iraq War, Military, President Obama, Weekly Address
Friday, December 16, 2011
Joe Arpaio Under Investigation for Racial Profiling
From the "No Shit Sherlock" news desk, here comes a shocker!
My only question: What the fuck took you so long to figure that one out?Sheriff Joe Arpaio's boundary-pushing foray into Arizona's immigration enforcement over the last six years met its most bruising criticism when the U.S. Justice Department said the lawman's office carried out a blatant pattern of discrimination against Latinos and held a "systematic disregard" for the Constitution..."We found discriminatory policing that was deeply rooted in the culture of the department, a culture that breeds a systematic disregard for basic constitutional protections," said Thomas Perez, who heads the Justice Department's civil rights division.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
4:39 PM
Labels: Arizona, Discrimination, Immigration, Racial Profiling
Christopher Hitchens Dies at 62
NY Times: Christopher Hitchens, a slashing polemicist in the tradition of Thomas Paine and George Orwell who trained his sights on targets as various as Henry Kissinger, the British monarchy and Mother Teresa, wrote a best-seller attacking religious belief, and dismayed his former comrades on the left by enthusiastically supporting the American-led war in Iraq, died on Thursday in Houston. He was 62.The cause was pneumonia, a complication of esophageal cancer, Vanity Fair magazine said in announcing the death...
Posted by
Broadway Carl
4:23 PM
Labels: Christopher Hitchens, Obituary
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Just Say "Oops" and Get Out.
...Yeah. Because everyone knows who Mark Meckler is. This isn't an Obama rally, Mr. Meckler, it's New York City, you shithead.Mark Meckler, the founder of a major tea party organization, was arrested Thursday at LaGuardia Airport for gun possession, law enforcement officials said.The Queens District Attorney said Meckler was carrying a pistol and had a California permit, but not one for New York, authorities said.Meckler allegedly told authorities he carries the pistol "because he gets threats."
Posted by
Broadway Carl
6:51 PM
Labels: Airport Security, Gun Rights, Moron, Tea Party
Job Creators!
Can anyone tell me how many jobs Kim Kardashian creates? Or anyone else who decided to drop millions on a dead actress's jewelry? But a 1.9% tax increase to those making over $1 million a year in order to continue a payroll tax cut for 160 MILLION people is unacceptable. Got it.Kim Kardashian just dropped $65k to outbid a gang of serious jewelry nuts for 3 unbelievable jade and diamond bracelets that used to belong to Elizabeth Taylor ... TMZ has learned.Taylor's entire collection of rare and expensive jewelry was auctioned off in NYC this week for a whopping $116 MILLION ... and Kim was one of the bidders.
(H/T JHW22)
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:13 PM
Labels: Elizabeth Taylor, Job Creation, Kim Kardashian
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Nothing Says "Presidential" Like a Twitter Fight
How many presidents or presidential contenders do you suppose would tweet something like this?[Donald] Trump took to YouTube on Wednesday to criticize [Rosie] O'Donnell's new show on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Trump called O'Donnell's show a "complete and total disaster." He also attacked MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell and said that his show was "failing." Trump then tweeted the video, with the message "#trumpvlog Same last name, same bad ratings- @lawrence and @rosie....."O'Donnell tweeted back and attacked Trump's self-proclaimed wealth. "How many billionaires sell ties and have crappy non reality shows - none - go back to selling snake oil - #bankruptmuch?" O'Donnell tweeted.

And to think this schmuck was actually leading the Republican field in the polls at one point. Oh, and here's why Trump lashed out at Lawrence O'Donnell:
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:38 PM
Labels: Donald Trump, Lawrence O'Donnell, Presidential Material, Rosie O'Donnell, Twitter
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Trump Pulls Out of Debate
Face it, Republicans: this thing was a joke from the beginning and why have a debate when no one is showing up? The only Trump whores were front runners Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum (who really has nothing to lose) and The Donald didn't want to be in a position of not being able to fire anyone. You can't use your tag line if there's no one in the room.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
6:03 PM
Labels: Debate, Donald Trump, losers
Fair and Balanced, My Ass
Okay, Fox newsies. What's wrong with this picture?
Yes, that's right! It seems that in Fox World, 8.6% unemployment in November 2011, is visually equal to 9% in October 2011, and actually higher than 8.9% and 8.8% in February and March 2011. Sure, I suppose you could just read the numbers, but why do that when Fox can show you a handy-dandy chart showing unemployment under the Obama administration hasn't improved? Me like pretty colors.
(Via Bob Cesca)
Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:55 PM
Labels: Fair and Balanced, Fox News Bias
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Country of Solynda
I've been searching high and low in my atlas and can't seem to find Solynda.
Did he mean the "company" named SolynDRA instead of "country"? No matter. He even got the name wrong. The man is an idiot.CNN Political Ticker reports that Perry campaigned in the Hawkeye State, stopping in Ames. He focused on energy, taking shots at the Obama administration's handling of government spending."No greater example of it than this administration sending millions of dollars into the solar industry, and we lost that money," Perry said. "I want to say it was over $500 million that went to the country Solynda."
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:29 AM
Labels: Gaffes, Moron, Rick Perry