has named CNN's Ed Henry "Truthdigger of the Week" after his ongoing match with Tony Snow and George the Liar this week regarding claims that the US had evidence that the “highest levels” of the Iranian government are supplying bomb-making materials to the Iraqi insurgency.
After questioning Tony Snow about the contradictions between the White House story and General Peter Pace's version, Henry then asked George the Liar the following day, which can be viewed on my previous post.
This is a must see video: Ed Henry confronts Tony Snow.
While watching this video, there is a split screen showing a nice PowerPoint presentation of the supposed Iranian weapons being used. I don't know if they are a dramatization of the weapons claimed to be used, or the actual weapons. If it is the latter, can anyone answer why there is English writing on the weapons? If they were Iranian, wouldn't they be marked in Farsi? Also, take a look at the date stenciled on the side of the bomb. "3-2006" would seem to be March, 2006. The US is the only country in the world to my knowledge that uses the month and year in that order. Everyone else uses the year first, then the month. Are we seeing pictures of our own weapons trying to be passed off as evidence of Iranian weaponry?
Finally, on Thursday, Henry reported that the White House was now saying that—oops—the anonymous U.S. military briefers in Baghdad had misspoken in claiming to have evidence that the “highest levels” of the Iranian government is supplying bomb-making materials to the Iraqis.
Click here for Henry's update with Soledad O'Brien.
GREAT JOB, ED! I hope the mainstream media is taking notes. Maybe they'll finally start waking up and take these people to task.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
CNN's Ed Henry Spars with Snow
Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:35 AM
Labels: Bush, CNN, Ed Henry, Tony Snow,
Friday, February 16, 2007
Snow: Nothing Went Wrong in Iraq
Why would anyone even fathom saying something like this? In the light of a 2002 review of a prewar invasion plan for Iraq, which showed a rosy picture and estimated that only 5,000 troops would remain at this time, Tony the Snowman was asked what went wrong in Iraq.
His answer: "I'm not sure anything went wrong."
Whaaaaaaaa?!! Yes, Tony Snow actually said he's not sure anything went wrong, because in his opinion, war plans are moot the second you engage the enemy. Does anyone in this administration have any sense of decency left? Does anyone in this administration have any sense of morals?
So let me get this straight. With this twisted logic, nothing went wrong because there really are no plans, you're making it up as you go along so how can you be wrong?
Here's what went wrong regardless of the prewar plans:
~WMDs. Mobile labs. Secret sources. Aluminum tubing. Yellow-cake.
~George the Liar has told us the war is necessary because:
Saddam was a threat;
Because of 9/11;
Osama bin Laden;
Because of terrorism in general;
To liberate Iraq;
To spread freedom;
To spread democracy;
To keep the oil out of the hands of terrorist-controlled states.
~In pushing for and prosecuting this war, we passed on chances to get Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Muqtada al-Sadr, Osama bin Laden.
~Fewer troops sent in than recommended.
~Disbanding the Iraqi Army.
~"De-Baathifying" the government.
~ Short changing Iraqi training.
~No plan for widespread looting, nor the explosion of sectarian violence.
~Sending in troops without life-saving equipment.
~Jobs given to foreign contractors, not the Iraqis.
~ "America had prevailed", "Mission Accomplished", the resistance was in its "last throes".
~George the Liar has said more troops were not necessary, and more troops are necessary, and that it's up to the generals, and removed some of the generals who said more troops would be necessary.
~Turning points: The fall of Baghdad, the death of Uday and Qusay, the capture of Saddam, a provisional government, the trial of Saddam, a charter, a constitution, an Iraqi government, elections, purple fingers, a new government, the death of Saddam.
~We would be greeted as liberators, with flowers.
~As they stood up–we would stand down, we would stay the course, we were never 'stay the course'.
~The enemy was al Qaeda, was foreigners, terrorists, Baathists, and now Iran.
~The war would pay for itself, it would cost 1.7 billion dollars, 100 billion, 400 billion, half a trillion dollars.
The question that should have been asked and warrants a much shorter answer is "what went right?"
Posted by
Broadway Carl
11:17 AM
Labels: Al-Qaeda, Bush, Iran, Iraq, Osama bin Laden, Tony Snow
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Answer The Question!
It's amazing... why does George the Liar continue to have press conferences if he's not going to answer questions asked of him? He gives you nothing but the latest fear mongering in a desparate attempt to increase support for the failed war in Iraq, and now starts laying the foundation for Iran. How many times did he use the phrase "QUDS Force" in his conference yesterday?
And when asked, "What assurances can you give the American people that the intelligence this time will be accurate?" he avoids the question with the same rhetoric he began the conference with. This man is shameless.
I hope there are more journalists out there like Ed Henry who will continue to badger George the Liar. He will eventually blow a gasket and say something other than what he's scripted to say.
Click here for the link and video on intelligence contradiction and accuracy question.
He was also asked questions regarding the Libby trial, which of course he wouldn't comment on.
That's a far cry from what he had to say on September 30th, 2003.
BUSH: "If there's a leak out of my Administration, I want to know who it is. And if that person has violated law, that person will be taken care of."
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:22 AM
Labels: Bush, Iran, Libby, News Conference, QUDS Force, Valerie Plame
Al Franken Runs for Senate
Over the course of the next three years, Franken would have weekly guests on his show such as Newsweek's Howard Fineman,'s John Dickerson, Media Matters' President David Brock, Christy Harvey, from The Center For American Progress and Joe Conason, a columnist for Salon and The New York Observer.
I really started learning a lot from the Franken show and started reading his books, and although I actually got a little tired of his radio schtick (he is a comedian and a comic writer after all) he was well worth listening to. I would get frustrated because he sometimes had too many guests on and therefore they didn't have time to answer the questions he asked, especially when he kept interrupting to get his jokes in, but I kept listening and kept learning. Through all the Air America troubles, Franken stayed on and kept plugging away, and although I tailed off in listening to him (my driving time schedule changed) I admired the guy for what he was attempting to do.
Well, February 14th marked Al Franken's last show on Air America. He has announced his candidacy for US Senate from Minnesota. Good luck to Al Franken in his political career. He would be a fresh voice in the Senate and work for the lower and middle classes in his state.
Here's his announcement:
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:10 AM
Labels: Air America Radio, Al Franken, Christy Harvey, Howard Fineman, Joe Conason
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
Posted by
Broadway Carl
12:55 AM
Labels: Cohen, Editorial Cartoon
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Rep. Charlie Norwood 1941-2007
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:19 PM
Labels: Norwood
The Woman Who Wouldn't Talk
Why I Refused to Testify Against the Clintons & What I Learned in Jail
When Susan McDougal refused to implicate the Clintons in the Whitewater fiasco, she was thrown in prison, left alone with murderers and her own stubborn dignity. Savaged by Republicans and abandoned by Democrats, she would emerge from that dark chapter of American history a hero.
I came across this at McDougal tells her story of trying to be coerced by federal prosecutor Ken Starr in the smearing of Bill Clinton during the Whitewater scandal. It takes about 45 minutes to get through her video interview with Robert Scheer, but it is well worth it.
You can purchase the book by clicking on the photo.
Also check out: The Hunting of the President
Posted by
Broadway Carl
12:12 PM
Labels: Clinton, Scheer, Susan McDougal, Whitewater
Monday, February 12, 2007
Lincoln's Birthday
I was thinking about this a couple of weeks ago and didn't bother to write it down. It was a fleeting thought during a subway ride and a two block walk to work when I thought about Presidents' Day.
Ah, Presidents' Day, that combination of Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays into an all encompassing day whose only significance to most people nowadays means another holiday sale.
With pretty much any poll regarding past presidents and their contributions or their greatness, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are usually at the top of the list. Washington involved with the birth of our nation, Lincoln at the helm for our rebirth during the Civil War.
Washington's birthday was officially a holiday in 1880 in DC, and expanded in 1885 to include all federal offices. Amazingly, Lincoln's birthday was never a federal holiday, although there are some states that claim it as a legal holiday.
But now, the idea of "Presidents' Day", a name that further obscures the original reason for this holiday in the first place, isn't associated with the celebration of an American patriot's birthday as much as it is another excuse for shopping sprees. One hears Presidents' Day and Memorial Day and the inevitable word "sale" usually follows.
Gabe Pressmen writes of this day: "The reverence for history, the patriotism embodied in past observances of the birthdays of these two statesmen has been lost. Congress took it away from us, back in 1968, with the Uniform Holidays Bill. Only Congress can restore these holidays to the honored place in our lives they deserve. "
Abraham Lincoln: "...As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy"
Letter, August 1858
Happy Birthday, President Lincoln.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
12:55 PM
Labels: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Presidents' Day, Pressman
Not Ready To Make Nice
Congratulations to the Dixie Chicks.
The Chicks, who ignited controversy four years ago when lead singer Natalie Maines criticized President Bush on the eve of the Iraq war, won all five [Grammy] Awards for which they were nominated, including the big three: album of the year (for "Taking the Long Way"), song of the year and record of the year (both for "Not Ready to Make Nice").
"I think people are using their freedom of speech with all these awards. We get the message," said Maines, paying tribute to other nominees with an oblique acknowledgement that the group was being honored as much for its stand as its music. "I'm very humbled."
Posted by
Broadway Carl
11:08 AM
Labels: Bush, Dixie Chicks, Grammy Awards, Protest
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sunday Reading
Bob Geiger: Dumb Stuff Republicans Say on the Senate Floor
Nicolas von Hoffman: The Worst President Ever
Paul Rieckhoff: Anna Nicole Smith Died. So Did Three American Troops
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:53 AM
Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Bennett, Bush, Editorial Cartoon, Republican Party, Senate, Troops
Priorities and Perspective
My point is this: I've learned all this through osmosis. I didn't actively seek out this information, but there it was, hour after hour on every TV channel, news or otherwise. Are they now going to lay her in state in the Capitol Building while her husband, her ex-boyfriend and Zsa-Zsa Gabor's husband wait for DNA results to find out who her daughter's biological father really is?
Don't get me wrong, I do feel badly for her. It was a "live-fast-die-young" tragic end to a beautiful woman who, by all accounts, was a very sweet, sensitive person. But the same day that Anna Nicole Smith died, something else happened. Anyone? C'mon, take a guess.
'I think they sought this kind of intelligence. They made it clear they wanted any kind of possible connections, no matter how skimpy, and they got it,' he said. "
Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:27 AM
Labels: Anna Nicole Smith, Editorial Cartoon, Feith, FOX News, Iraq, Levin, Murdoch