Bob Cesca: Marco Rubio is Definitely Not a Scientist. Man.
Michael Barbaro: After Obama, Christie Wants a G.O.P. Hug
The Rude Pundit: Other Questions for Marco Rubio After His GQ Interview (Based on His Favorite Rap Songs)
Melissa Jeltsen: Cory Booker To Live On Food Stamps After Making Twitter Challenge
Greg Sargent: Poetic justice: Romney likely to finish at 47 percent
Angelo Carusone: Why Macy’s Must Stop Selling Donald Trump’s Brand
Joe Klein: The Benghazi Circus
Bill Maher: The Common Cult
Paul Krugman: Grand Old Planet
Jim Wright: It's The Racism, Stupid
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Must Reads
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:06 PM
Labels: Angelo Carusone, Bill Maher, Bob Cesca, Chan Lowe, Greg Sargent, Joe Klein, Keith Knight, Melissa Jeltsen, Michael Barbaro, Paul Krugman, Rude Pundit
Friday, November 23, 2012
Oh, Sweet, Sweet Victory
Mitt Romney's Facebook page is losing followers by the thousands. I guess they don't want to be associated with a loser.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:47 PM
Labels: Bill Maher, Facebook, Mitt Romney, Real Time
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing the American People a Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by
Broadway Carl
7:00 AM
Labels: Thanksgiving, Turkey
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
John McCain's Sour Grapes Doctrine
The Politics of Hate and Revenge
I've been obsessing about John McCain lately - but only because he's such a vile, little man. You don't have to look very hard to see through McCain's thin skin into his black heart to recognize that holding a grudge is Johnny Maverick's forte.But McCain's biggest flaw, of a myriad of flaws is that he is a sore loser. He ran for President in 2000 and after winning the New Hampshire primary, was attacked with a George W. Bush whisper campaign about fathering an illegitimate black child. That child happened to be McCain's adopted daughter from Bangladesh. After Bush won the nomination and eventually became President, John McCain adopted a policy of revenge. What I call his Sour Grapes Doctrine.
In hindsight, what looked like McCain opposing Bush policies and voting against them for what Democrats at the time assumed were the right reasons, it was all a matter of getting back at the dweeb who beat him in the 2000 primary, especially after those vicious smear tactics.
Steve Kornacki: "...McCain’s various self-reinventions as a politician are best understood as acts of sore loser-dom. A decade ago, for instance, he took up a sudden interest in closing the gun show loophole, enacting a patients’ bill of rights, and stopping tax cuts for the wealthy. Not at all coincidentally, this came just after he’d lost a bruising campaign against George W. Bush. Bush and his team had been rough – very, very rough – on McCain, and McCain had deemed them unworthy victors. His sudden cooperation with Democrats in 2001 was his version of payback, giving the new Bush White House fits."Of course, that all ended with 9/11 and by 2004, McCain was ignoring the swiftboating of another war hero, John Kerry, while supporting the re-election of Dubya, complete with head-on-shoulder man hugs. And apparently being presented a birthday cake while a major US city drowned is all you need to let bygones be bygones. Sorry about that bastard black baby thing... Here's a cake!
Fast forward four quick years and this time John McCain wins the Republican nomination but botches the general election while singing "Bomb Iran, "picking The Hockey Mom From Wasilla as his unfortunate running mate, suspending his campaign to sit in on a financial Wall Street crisis meeting where he promptly adds nothing by keeping his mouth shut, and referring to his opponent as "that one" in a debate.
But since he's had so much practice at grudge politics, McCain tacks to the right and decides to become a thorn in President Obama's side as he did with Bush, to the point of not just accusing US Ambassador Susan Rice of being incompetent and "not very bright" by repeating intelligence reports given to her by the CIA which happened to be vague and still pending information (intelligence reports that McCain himself probably had a copy of), but threatening to filibuster not only her possible nomination as the next Secretary of State, but ANY nomination President Obama would propose to succeed Hillary Clinton, because he wants answers on what happened in Benghazi. And he'll even miss classified briefings about what happened in Benghazi to hold a press conference to demand answers on what happened in Benghazi!
John McCain is a vindictive, curmudgeonly, sour little prick who can't get over the fact that he blew his chance. And now he's using his elected office to continue an obstructionist strategy, despite seeming more and more unhinged. If only he'd use his powers for good instead of pettiness.
ADDING... Here's Steve Kornacki's rant on The Cycle. It's worth watching if you can stomach S.E. Cupp... which is not an easy task.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
4:45 PM
Labels: 2000 Election, 2008 Election, Benghazi, Foreign Policy, John Kerry, John McCain, Obstructionism, Rachel Maddow, Steve Kornacki, Susan Rice