Christopher Brauchli: Three Strikes and You're In
Chad Terhune and Keith Epstein: The Health Insurers Have Already Won
Mark T. Harris: The Health Care Debate Has Only Just Begun
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Must Reads
Posted by
Broadway Carl
7:00 PM
Labels: Chad Terhune, Christopher Brauchli, Clay Bennett, Editorial Cartoon, Keith Epstein, Mark T. Harris
About Those Brownshirts I Mentioned...
Sara Robinson, a very smart gal who works with David Neiwert (recently of FireDogLake) tracking and documenting the persistence of fascism and fascist tendencies in American life over at Orcinus, says the following:
We know beyond doubt that the Teabag movement was created out of whole cloth by astroturf groups like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and Tim Phillips' Americans for Prosperity, with massive media help from FOX News. We see the Birther fracas -- the kind of urban myth-making that should have never made it out of the pages of the National Enquirer -- being openly ratified by Congressional Republicans. We've seen Armey's own professionally-produced field manual that carefully instructs conservative goon squads in the fine art of disrupting the democratic governing process -- and the film of public officials being terrorized and threatened to the point where some of them required armed escorts to leave the building. We've seen Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner applauding and promoting a video of the disruptions and looking forward to "a long, hot August for Democrats in Congress."And I agree fully. You really should read the whole post because she lays out with scholarly precision exactly why we are at this frightening, nausea-inducing precipice of a complete tumble into full, totalitarian takeover of the American system of government.
This is the sign we were waiting for -- the one that tells us that yes, kids: we are there now. America's conservative elites have openly thrown in with the country's legions of discontented far right thugs. They have explicitly deputized them and empowered them to act as their enforcement arm on America's streets, sanctioning the physical harassment and intimidation of workers, liberals, and public officials who won't do their political or economic bidding.
This is the catalyzing moment at which honest-to-Hitler fascism begins. It's also our very last chance to stop it.
Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
12:29 PM
Labels: David Neiwert, Fascism, Hitler, Orcinus, Sara Robinson, tipping-point, violence
President Obama's Weekly Address - August 8, 2009
Necessary Reform, Absurd Attacks
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:42 AM
Labels: are Re, Health Care, Health Care Reform, Loud Noises, Teabaggers
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sotomayor Confimed 68-31
Here are the 31 US Senators that voted against Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation to the Supreme Court. Do you notice anything in common?
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bennett (R-UT)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kyl (R-AZ)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)
You'll hear every one of these scumbags in the Party of No give some sorry excuse about judicial activism, but the simple truth is that they only consider a judge to be an activist if certain decisions do not concur with their desired outcome.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:18 PM
Labels: GOP, Party of No, Senate Confirmation, Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
American Brownshirts

Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
5:00 PM
Labels: Atwater, Birthers, Blackwater, DFH, Fascism, gun violence, JFK, Karl Rove, Nazis, Nixon, Saint Ronnie
posted by Armadillo Joe
This is the view across the street from where I work. The Bush Nightmare Years are already a fading memory and yet I can't even come and go from work without this un-funny asshole in my face.
Where is the lefty equivalent of this kind of in-your-face disregard for civil discourse?
Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
2:12 PM
Labels: conserva-tards, Dennis Miller, lie and damned lies, Propaganda
By All Means, Let's Keep Letting the Crazy People Have Guns
Posted by Fraulein
There are few issues that enrage me more than the whole question of why we find it acceptable, as a society, that our country is so awash in guns that any random nutjob can cause an unspeakable tragedy like this:
On Tuesday night, the gunman walked into the fitness center wearing workout gear and a headband, entered a "Latin impact" dance aerobics class and placed a duffel bag on the ground. He rooted around in the bag for a moment, turned off the lights, took out at least two guns and started shooting.Why is this OK? You want to have your stupid rifle to go hunting with? Knock yourself out. But why in the name of Jeebus do we think it is OK for anyone--ANYONE, even the catastrophically mentally ill like this guy, to have such laughably easy access to handguns? Why have the goddamned Democrats been ducking responsibility for this issue for so many years? Why can't somebody--how about President Obama, for example?--go on TV and just say honestly: "The ghoulish psychotics of the gun lobby have had this country by the short hairs for long enough. The time to act to rein in the epidemic of gun violence in this country is now. And where we're going to start is by is putting up as many roadblocks as possible to gun ownership for the mentally ill."
Three women were killed and nine people were injured. Police say he may have fired as many as 52 shots before turning the gun on himself and committing suicide.
Why is that so fucking hard to do? Will we see it happen in our lifetimes? Discuss.
FRIDAY UPDATE: The Pennsylvania fitness center gunman bought handgun "accessories," whatever those are, from the same gun dealer that armed one of the previous mentally ill mass killers, the Virginia Tech shooter. Not surprising in the least.
Posted by
1:05 PM
Labels: gun violence
posted by Armadillo Joe
Via Crooks & Liars, I give you this (from with no further comment:
Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
7:48 AM
Labels: Corruption, cronyism, Health Care Reform, public option
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Diplomacy Works
NY Times: Former President Bill Clinton left North Korea on Wednesday morning after a dramatic 20-hour visit, in which he won the freedom of two American journalists, opened a diplomatic channel to North Korea’s reclusive government and dined with the North’s ailing leader, Kim Jong-il.
Of course, some might not agree. Here's Wally Walrus:
And not negotiating at all worked so well for the Bush administration, that North Korea reconstituted its nuclear program. As Jon Stewart posed, who wouldn't Bolton bomb?...the Clinton trip is a significant propaganda victory for North Korea, whether or not he carried an official message from President Obama. Despite decades of bipartisan U.S. rhetoric about not negotiating with terrorists for the release of hostages, it seems that the Obama administration not only chose to negotiate, but to send a former president to do so....Negotiating from a position of strength, where the benefits to American interests will exceed the costs, is one thing. Negotiating merely for the sake of it, in the face of palpable recent failures, is something else indeed.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:27 PM
Labels: Bill Clinton, Diplomacy, John Bolton, Jon Stewart, Kim Jong-il, North Korea
In the Bush years, liberal polemicists turned the president’s home state — pious, lightly regulated, stingy with public services and mad for sprawl — into a symbol of everything that was barbaric about Republican America. Meanwhile, California, always liberalism’s favorite laboratory, was passing global-warming legislation, pouring billions into stem-cell research, and seemed to be negotiating its way toward universal health care.But flash forward to the current recession, and suddenly Texas looks like a model citizen. The Lone Star kept growing well after the country had dipped into recession. Its unemployment rate and foreclosure rate are both well below the national average. It’s one of only six states that didn’t run budget deficits in 2009.
...Texas is exactly what Douthat's "liberal polemicists" charge.Stingy? Check out these state rankings. Child poverty: 44th, senior poverty: 40th, per capital child welfare expenditures: 42nd, child vulnerability index: 46th, education expenditures per pupil: 40th.Lightly regulated? Texas is the nation's 4th biggest polluter, and the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases. Pious? Does having creationists running the school board count?Finally, the only reason Texas isn't facing a budget deficit is because Obama's stimulus bill bailed us out.
Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
8:34 PM
Labels: California, Conservative, FireDogLake, Liberal, Ross Douthat, Texas
Better Democrats
And I love that he used Open Left -- one of my favorite blogs -- as the online platform to announce his primary challenge of ol' Spooky.
Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
7:00 PM
Labels: Arlen Specter, Better Democrats, Fightin' Dems, Joe Sestak
Happy Birthday, Mr. President!
I took it upon myself to make a wish on your behalf. Unfortunately, when I opened my eyes, the Birthers still existed.

Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:42 AM
Labels: Birth Certificate, Birthday, President Obama
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Missing Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate!
Jebus, what a fucking joke. Doug Mataconis at Below The Beltway gives it a proper lashing. To think that the Birthers refuse to accept President Obama's "Certificate of Live Birth" but will cream all over this laughable forgery.
Some highlights:
- "Issued" three years after Obama's birth (the same year as his parents' divorce).
- Certificate No. 47,044 - 47 is the age of the 44th President at the time of inauguration.
- The Republic of Kenya wasn't a Republic until December 1963 and still a British Colony in 1961.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:07 PM
Labels: Birth Certificate, Birthers, Forgery, President Obama
Health Care Copy-and-Paste Blogging
...I'm cautiously optimistic that whatever finally gets passed will be a nontrivial improvement over the status quo. Still, I don't think it's crazy for people to be concerned that whatever comes out of the sausage factory might be worse. Whatever it is will be a rube goldberg plan which preserves health insurance profits, keeps hypocritical fiscal scolds happy, has the goal of controlling costs, and can pass the Senate and keep enough blue dog wankers happy. It certainly isn't crazy to be worried that such a plan might, in fact, suck.
Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
11:32 AM
Labels: Atrios, Blue Dogs, Democratic capitulation, Health Care, Socialism
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Douchebag of the Week: Michelle Malkin
Once I found out she was actually going appear on This Week with George Stephanopolous, I knew it was a short matter of time before she would say something asinine.
Malkin: If you put enough government cheese in front of people they are just going to keep eating it and you're just kicking the can down the road and just to hammer this point about the unemployment benefits extension again it was Larry Katz, who's a chief labor economist under the Clinton labor department who came out with a study and there are a lot of these economists who say this that if you keep extending these "temporary" unemployment benefits you're just going to extend joblessness even more.
Michelle "Government Cheese" Malkin: Douchebag of the Week
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:26 PM
Labels: Douchebag, Douchebag of the Week, George Stephanopolous, Michelle Malkin, This Week, Unemployment
A Short History Lesson
- to steal whatever wasn't bolted down and cart it back across the Atlantic -- to this day, that's why the much-admired splendor of London or Paris or Amsterdam is the way it is, they built all that with American gold -- and
- to siphon off the undesirable portions of their population and dump them in a far-away place where they couldn't rabble-rouse and otherwise stink up the place with their curious customs and odd dietary habits practiced under the guise of "religion" and
- to extend their kingdoms in a never-ending game of one-ups-manship played against their cousins and uncles and nieces on the other thrones of Europe.
Posted by
Armadillo Hussein Joe
7:21 PM
Labels: Africa, class war, Health Care Reform, history, native americans, racism, revisionist history