Here's a glimpse of what's happening on 7th Avenue between 42nd and 37th Streets today.From what I understand, it was a joint Palestinian/Israeli protest to stop the bombing in Gaza. I did see one sign that read, "Another New York Jew Against Israeli Apartheid."
And yet today we have this: Israeli ground forces enter Gaza in escalation
(Crappy photo taken from my Treo 700WX)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Palestinian Protests In Times Square
Posted by
Broadway Carl
3:35 PM
Labels: Gaza, Israel, Palestine, Protest, Protesters, Times Square
Must Reads
Glenn Greenwald: More oddities in the U.S. "debate" over Israel/Gaza
David Sirota: FDR prolonged the Great Depression? Really?
Christopher Cooper: Go Upright And Vital And Speak The Rude Truth In All Ways
Rude Pundit: End of the Year Haiku, Part 2 (Rude Readers Get Poetical) where a submission by yours truly was included. A shameless plug, I know, but something of which I'm proud.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:08 AM
Labels: Christopher Cooper, David Horsey, David Sirota, Editorial Cartoon, Glenn Greenwald, Paul Krugman, Rude Pundit
Douchebag of the Week: Linda Hockaday
Who is Linda Hockaday you ask? She is the bus matron who decided that she couldn't be late for her church service on New Year's Eve, so she decided to leave a severely mentally handicapped man strapped in the back of her bus after it was parked in the lot for the evening.
Ed Wynn Rivera, who suffers from palsy, was left in the bus during one of the coldest nights of the year for 17 hours.
Hockaday's former boss at Outstanding Transport in Brooklyn wasted no time Friday in throwing her under the bus.I'd like to throw Hockaday under the bus... and then run over her... a few times.
"She deserves whatever she gets," fumed Charles Curcio after firing his employee of 18 months. "I would not take her back. It's a disgrace."
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:40 AM
Labels: Douchebag, Linda Hockaday, New York Daily News
T Minus 17 Days
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Bush 9/11 Hero Myth
Bob Cesca mentions Mark Halperin's continual ass kissing of George W. Bush and the success that his administration has been, specifically in regards to the 9/11 response. How Bush responded is better than others would have done in Halperin's warped imagination. Because that's all it is: imagination. There's absolutely no way you can claim that one person would be better or worse in a certain situation than another unless you can repeat it. Although judging by Bush's record, I don't doubt many of us would have preferred someone else in his position... almost anyone else. Halperin is just spewing more Bush Legacy bullshit. If you can stomach it, here's a short clip of Halperin's rectum spelunking.
This "9/11 Hero" myth is the same myth of which Rudy Giuliani was the lucky recipient. I watched those towers fall as we were all trying to evacuate lower Manhattan. And believe me, had "America's Mayor" not been stupid enough to place the Emergency Control Center in the same location that was bombed in 1993, he would have been nowhere near the site.
It seems that hero status is automatically assigned to the leaders in charge (or rather elected officials who happen to be in office) in situations like this when it is those same leaders' negligence or indifference that helped to create the disastrous situation in the first place. I've been saying the same thing for years in regards to Giuliani. George W. Bush did absolutely nothing differently than what any other elected official would have done faced with the same scenario. Except maybe freeze in terror in the first 10 minutes after hearing the news. And starting an illegal war.
And the amazing thing is that nine months into his presidency, Bush mistakenly thought that a photo-op was the way to show his leadership. He learned nothing as time went on and continued that method for the rest of his time as "leader" of the free world.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:58 AM
Labels: 9/11, Bob Cesca, Bush Legacy, George W. Bush, Mark Halperin, Rudy Giuliani
T Minus 18 Days
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Posted by
Broadway Carl
12:40 PM
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Cry Me A River
Alberto Gonzales can't find a job.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:50 PM
Labels: Alberto Gonzales, Employment
The Smell Of Taint
Innocent until proven guilty. It's harder to accept than it sounds. But here we go again with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Under investigation and recently arrested on alleged corruption and perhaps a week away from being indicted, refusing to resign after repeated calls to do so, with a Senate Democratic Caucus who said they would not seat anyone he would appoint to the vacant seat left by the President-elect, after his lawyer insisting that he would definitely not appoint someone to the seat, what does Captain Helmethead do? He appoints former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to Barack Obama's vacant seat. Oh, how he loves the smell of taint in the morning.
You really can't make this shit up. And when you listen to Burris speak with Rachel Maddow, he makes complete sense. Blagojevich is still the Governor, still has the responsibility of appointing someone to the Senate seat, still has not been indicted, and according to Burris, wants proper representation in the Senate for the people of the state of Illinois.
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Still, it's a bitter pill to swallow, isn't it? Although I haven't heard the actual tapes (just snippets), Blagojevich is allegedly recorded trying to sell Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder. And yet, although Burris is scandal free according to the New York Times, there's still the smell of taint in the air. Blagojevich could have chosen Pope Benedict and it would still smell tainty fresh because of the green cloud of taint over Blago's taintilicious head. But hey, innocent until proven guilty, right? ...Right?
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:27 AM
Labels: Appointments, Barack Obama, Illinois Senate Seat, Rod Blagojevich, Roland Burris
Where Did The Year Go?
Holy shit! It's New Year's Eve! More blogging later after I collect my thoughts, but for now, if we don't see each other until 2009, here's wishing everyone a very happy and healthy New Year full of joy and happiness!
(I'm saying it now because it's already 2009 in Australia... a concept that freaks me out a little. It's tomorrow in another country... cool.)
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:30 AM
Labels: 2009, Australia, New Year, Time Zones
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Scarborough PWNED By Zbigniew Brzezinski
Oh. My. God. It's a belated Christmas present. A Festivus miracle!
Today on Morning Joke™, Joe Scarborough spoke with former US National Security Advisor (and Mika's daddy) Zbigniew Brzezinski about the current Hamas/Israeli conflict in Gaza. Joe steps in it big time as he claims that "you can't blame what's happening in Israel on the Bush administration" and goes back to 2000 when Bill Clinton "gave Arafat and the Palestinians everything they could have wanted," to which Brzezinski responds, "You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it's almost embarrassing to listen to you."
OH SNAP, MUTHAFUCKAAAA! (The throwdown takes place at 6:30 but watch Mika's take to the camera at 6:47 as she knows that Beaker is going to get steamrolled by her Pops.)
Brzezinski went on to explain what really happened while Joe licked his wounds. Instant classic! I think I'm going to make a ringtone out of this.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
3:30 PM
Labels: Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Morning Joe, MSNBC, Zbigniew Brzezinski
Monday, December 29, 2008
Jets Fire Mangini
I am one of many frustrated Jets fans who watch their team fall apart in December year after year.
NY Times: The Jets have fired Coach Eric Mangini, hours after the team completed a late-season swoon and was eliminated from playoff contention with a loss at home to the Miami Dolphins.I'm used to seeing this, but it was especially greuling this season. The Jets went out and signed 87 year old Brett Favre to turn the team around after the quarterback injured team went 4-12 last season. The playoffs were in their sights after crushing an undefeated Tennessee Titans team 34-13 in Week 12 to take their record to 8-3.
And then the December collapse. They lose to Denver at home and San Francisco on the road. They squeaked out a win versus Buffalo with a last second defensive touchdown but then proceed to lose at Seattle to set up the Chad Pennington revenge scenario that took place yesterday.
The firing was deserved in my opinion. Eric Mangini looked like a deer in the headlights when it counted and had no second half adjustments to throw at his opposition. And even though the loss to the Dolphins was academic (the Jets needed to win and a Balitmore loss to get into the wild card slot), Mangini was stupid enough to admit that even though they were playing the Seahawks in Week 16, he was prepping for the Dolphins game for two weeks! He bypassed Seattle, and they wound up kicking the Jets around in the snow 13-3, and still lost to Miami with two weeks of preparation?! Unacceptable.
Congratulations to Chad Pennington and the Miami Dolphins for not only deserving to be in the playoffs, but knocking the New England Patriots out of the playoffs in the process. I hate those fuckers. It's of little solace but it does soften the blow just a bit.
One more thing: 48 days until pitchers and catchers. LET'S GO METS!
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:31 AM
Labels: Brett Favre, Chad Pennington, Eric Mangini, Firing, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, New York Jets
T Minus 22 Days
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Rush The Fucking Asshole
© Broadway Carl 2008
(sung to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon and inspired by Bob Cesca's post title)
Rush the Fucking Asshole, bloated as can be
Sits at his desk and spews his lies when he's OxyContin free
Little Chippy Saltsman thought it would be cool
To send a racist Christmas gift, he's another right wing tool
Operation Chaos didn't do a thing
For fat man Rush and the GOP to inspire the right wing
He called for violent riots like 1968
'Cause Rush does nothing else but try to stir up wingnut hate
Rush the Fucking Asshole, hoping to get laid
Smuggled in Viagra that he got from his ex-maid
Flew down to the islands with pills and his sex toys
But we all know that he flew down just to butt-fuck little boys
Little Chippy Saltsman wants the RNC chair
But after sending out those gifts he doesn't have a prayer
Chairman Michael Duncan says that he was shocked
What else did he expect from crazy druggies with small cocks?
Rush the Fucking Asshole, as fat as he can be
Always carries water for the Republican Party
One day Rush will clutch his chest and his heart will explode
And we will fin'lly be rid of that horrible pantload
Posted by
Broadway Carl
6:40 PM
Labels: Barack The Magic Negro, Bob Cesca, Chip Saltsman, Denver Riots, Mike Duncan, Operation Chaos, racism, RNC, Rush Limbaugh
Music Break! Paquito D'Rivera
Tico Tico
Posted by
Broadway Carl
3:08 PM
Labels: Clarinet, Music, Music Video, Paquito D'Rivera
Driftglass' Rebuttal To Bob Herbert
Yesterday, I added Bob Herbert's editorial, "Stop Being Stupid" to my short list of "Must Reads." It looks like Driftglass has taken offense to Herbert's use of "We" in describing the stupidity of the American people.I could not help but note that the technical term for people who tried to suggest any of this at any point over the last couple of decades was "Dirty America-hating Liberal".
...Truth is, Bob, there is no “we” anymore; there are those of us who look at your laundry list as a reasonable assay of our challenges and changes ...and there are the Pig People, their panderers, exploiters and ringleaders.
He makes some very good points, which is why I'm mentioning it here, but like I wrote in my comment on DG's blog, "when I read the article, I didn't include myself in the "we." I assumed Herbert was just being polite and not trying to be accusatory to get the "we" has was talking about to the end of his column. It's like the simpler days when we were in school and you aced a pop quiz but the rest of the class failed. The teacher berated the class as a whole but you knew he/she wasn't talking about you specifically."
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:03 PM
Labels: Bloggers, Bob Herbert, driftglass, Editorial, Must Reads