"Rich people do not create jobs."
Saturday, May 19, 2012
You. Must. Watch. This.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:18 PM
Labels: Job Creation, Middle Class, Nick Hanauer, One percenter
Must Reads
William Saletan: The Marriage Trap
Suzy Khimm: Democrats talk about cutting entitlements. Republicans don’t talk about raising taxes.
Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg: G.O.P. ‘Super PAC’ Weighs Hard-Line Attack on Obama
Tim Murphy: Joe Ricketts, Government Handout Hypocrite
Adam Serwer: Jeremiah Wright Is Not a Silver Bullet
Joan Walsh: More Rev. Wright hate porn!
Paul Krugman: Win Some, Lose Some
Steve Benen: This Week in God
Robert Reich: The Commencement Address That Won’t Be Given
Tim Karr: The First Amendment and the Smartphone Journalist
Christopher Brauchli: Mitt the Barber and The Church
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:45 PM
Labels: Adam Serwer, Christopher Brauchli, Jeff Zeleny, Jim Rutenberg, Joan Walsh, Paul Krugman, Robert Reich, Steve Benen, Stuart Carlson, Suzy Khimm, Tim Karr, Tim Murphy, William Saletan
President Obama's Weekly Address - May 19, 2012
Congress Must Move Forward, Not Back On Wall Street Reform
Posted by
Broadway Carl
12:00 PM
Labels: Congress, Economy, President Obama, Wall Street Reform, Weekly Address
Friday, May 18, 2012
Stupidest. Quote. Ever.
I’m not familiar precisely with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was.
~Mitt Romney on whether Rev.Wright attacks on President Obama are legitimate while being reminded that he used Rev. Wright to attack President Obama on Sean Hannity's show in February.Is this guy that stupid? 'I don't know what I said but I stand by it.' Also, his reaction and active avoidance on his campaign aircraft to reporters' questions surrounding the Joe Ricketts/SuperPAC controversy before he knew the full story shows how much of a weasel and a coward he can be when confronted with such issues. A thinker on his feet he's not.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
10:32 AM
Labels: Dumbass Quote of the Day, John Ricketts, Mitt Romney, Negative Campaigning, Rev. Wright, SuperPACs
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Donna Summer Dies at 63
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Donna Summer. She was at the height of her disco career while I was becoming an adolescent, and although it "wasn't cool" to like disco in my circles back then, there was, and still is, something riveting about her particular beat and orchestral arrangements that I loved. Of course, I didn't know I loved them until decades later. Ask my wife. Anytime a Donna Summer song pops up on the car radio, I sing along enthusiastically. And I never owned a single recording. It's just seared in my mind.NY Times: Donna Summer, one of the most influential singers of the disco era, died on Thursday. She was 63.The cause was cancer, according to Brian Edwards, a publicist for Ms. Summer, who said she died at her second home in Naples, Florida.Ms. Summer was a five-time Grammy winner who became a superstar in the 1970s with hits like “Love to Love You Baby,” “Last Dance,” “Hot Stuff” and “Bad Girls.”
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:50 PM
Labels: Disco, Donna Summer, Music, Music Video, Obituary
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Mitt Likes...
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:11 PM
Labels: Autotune, Mash Up, Mitt Romney, The Gregory Brothers