Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
Posted by
Broadway Carl
6:00 AM
Labels: Christmas, Merry Christmas, Santa Claus, Yes Virginia
Friday, December 24, 2010
Have a Cool Yule
Light blogging this next day or two, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to wish those who stop by a very Happy Holiday and a happy and healthy New Year.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:46 PM
Labels: Christmas, Christmas Song, Mel Tormé, Music, Video
Must Reads
Sarah Jones: Sarah Palin Exposed as a Teleprompter Using Fraud
Larry David: Thanks for the Tax Cut!
Melissa Harris-Perry: Obama in the Age of Accommodation
Joe Gandelman: Yes Virginia, There was a Time When John McCain Was Admirable
JHW22 recommends...Carol E. Lee & Glenn Thrush: Obama Plans 2011 Staff Makeover
Angry Black Lady: FireDogSycophants: A Smorgasbord of Sheer Idiocy With a Soupçon of Racism
Sarah Posner: A Tea Party Leader Hates Christians

Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:55 PM
Labels: Angry Black Lady, Carol E. Lee, Clay Bennett, Glenn Thrush, Joe Gandelman, Larry David, Melissa Harris-Perry, Mike Keefe, Mike Luckovich, Sarah Jones, Sarah Posner
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Specter's Parting Shots
Just watch.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
9:09 PM
Labels: Antonin Scalia, Arlen Specter, Chief Justice John Roberts, Farewell Address, Samuel Alito, Senate
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Today's Drudge Headlines...
... include no mention of the DADT repeal, START Treaty ratification or the 9/11 responders bill approval. But as Will Bunch notes, Matt Drudge rules our world, yet none of these items are newsworthy enough to warrant a link on the Drudge Report?
(Click photo for full size.)
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:36 PM
Labels: Conservatives, Drudge, Drudge Report, Headlines, Republican Hackery
Not So Lame Duck
That's President Barack Obama signing the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" into law. And with that signing, another major legislative accomplishment has been achieved at a time when no one thought anything would get done.
This lame duck session of Congress hasn't been so lame. And some would say that this is not an appropriate time to pass such sweeping legislation, when clearly after such an overwhelmingly Democratic defeat in the last election showed that the American people were not happy with the Democratic agenda. Those "some" would be 100% wrong. America didn't reject the Democratic agenda. America was reacting to the growing frustration of an economy that is recovering much too slowly for their taste because we are an impatient people. Voters are responding to a stagnant unemployment rate that isn't coming down fast enough as they can't pay their bills, are losing their homes and are struggling to make ends meet. Anyone in office, whether Democrat or Republican, would have felt the blowback. That has absolutely nothing to do with the repeal of DADT, or the yet to be passed 9/11 responders bill, or the soon to be passed START Treaty with Russia.
What should enrage voters, but you'll never see a poll verifying it, is the obstructionist Republican party doing anything they can to delay, stall and prevent any significant legislation from passing for fear that it amounts to another feather in President Obama's cap. They claim they're ready to "do the people's work," and do anything but, including moaning about working during the holidays, as 99% of the rest of the country does.
If Republicans are representing the American people, why on earth would they be delaying ratification of a treaty that every past and present national security advisor and military leader says is important for our security? Why, after wrapping themselves in a patriotic blanket of 9/11 for these last nine years, did Republicans block legislation to help 9/11 first responders who are literally dying of the aftereffects of breathing in the toxicity they slogged through to help their fellow Americans? Why did Republicans fight tooth and nail against the repeal of DADT, even though the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff thought it was time to end this flawed policy; why, despite nearly a year of study to review the affects of military morale and readiness after a possible DADT repeal, was that study no longer good enough? Why did they want a study of the study?
The truth of the matter is that this has nothing to do with ideology or morals or ethics. The stonewalling of the Republican party of almost every piece of legislation (over 400 filibusters in the last two years) and the blockage of scores of executive appointments to vacancies in government positions that desperately need to be filled for the proper running of the country is all about preventing anything that could affect President Obama in a positive way.
They've said it themselves. Senator Jim DeMint wanted healthcare reform to be the President's "Waterloo." Senator Mitch McConnell categorized preventing a 2nd presidential term for Obama as their No. 1 priority. How can these politicians think they can be taken seriously when they complain about the President's "lack of bipartisanship" when these are the typical statements made? Bipartisanship and compromise work both ways, something the GOP continually fails to understand, or at least their actions and rhetoric makes it seem so.
But ultimately, for a Congress that pushed back at the White House continually, this President's accomplishments if his first two years rivals that of any other president. Rachel Maddow's piece last night puts it all in perspective.
Imagine how much more could have been accomplished with an opposition party focused on governing rather than obstructing.
UPDATE (3:28pm): START Treaty was just ratified in the Senate 71-26. Also, the Senate approved a workable 9/11 Health Care bill for first responders.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
3:09 PM
Labels: DADT, Delay Tactics, Lame Duck, Obstructionism, Republican Party, Waterloo
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dumbass Quote of the Day
"I stand here very disappointed in the fact that our lead negotiator on the Republican side ... basically is going to have his work product ignored and the treaty jammed through in the lame duck. How as Republicans we justify that I do not know. To Senator Kyl, I want to apologize to you for the way you've been treated by your colleagues."
~Senator Lindsey Graham on the hubris of the Democratic leaders in the Senate for... doing their job and legislating.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:24 PM
Labels: Dumbass Quote of the Day, Jon Kyl, Lindsey Graham, START Treaty
Steve Landesberg Dies at 74
NY Times: Steve Landesberg, an actor and comedian with a friendly and often deadpan manner who was best known for his role on the long-running sitcom “Barney Miller,” died on Monday in Los Angeles. He was 74.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
7:56 PM
Labels: Actors, Barney Miller, Comedian, Obituary, Steve Landesberg
Monday, December 20, 2010
2010 Jib-Jab Style
I caught this when it premiered on CBS Sunday Morning yesterday. It's pretty funny, even if you're an Obama fan. Enjoy.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
8:21 PM
Labels: 2010, JibJab, Joe Biden, President Obama, Year In Review
Hey, Broadway Carl
Jinx, you owe me a Coke.
Posted by
7:59 PM
Labels: Sarah Palin
S#*! Sarah Palin Says (S'mores Edition)
What makes this woman so full of hatred? Is it her bitter campaign loss? It is a realization that she's not as smart as she thinks she is and needs to lash out? Is it a petty need for attention and confrontation where none exists? How sad this woman is; everything she says and does is a direct response to perceived slights, including her agitation during her dwindling book signings." the latest episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, [P]alin rooted around for s’mores ingredients and then said that it was “in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert.”
Posted by
Broadway Carl
7:51 PM
Labels: Michelle Obama, Obesity, Pettiness, S'mores, Sarah Palin
Let them eat cake -- or whatever
Michelle Obama is NOT telling parents what to feed their kids. There isn't some food Gestapo in America. A parent can send their kid to school with a paper sack full of lard if they want. All she is saying is that if schools are going to use tax dollars to feed kids, those tax dollars should provide healthy meals. So if you want to spite Michelle Obama, go ahead and pack some slabs of bacon and blocks of caramel for your kid's lunch. That'll show her.
Oh, and by the way, what does Sarah Palin have against farmers? Doesn't she know that Michelle Obama's initiative is good for farmers?
Hey, if Sarah Palin can send her kid around the country telling teenage girls not to get pregnant, I think the First Lady should be able to tell families they should try to eat healthy and get some exercise. But apparently food is a taboo subject for some.
Edit: Or as my husband put it, "We can talk about nookie but not about cookie."
Posted by
7:35 PM
Labels: Glenn Beck, Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, Michelle Obama, Sarah Palin
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Irony of Ironies
Ironic headline of the year:
Lawyers cry foul over leak of Julian Assange sex-case papers
Incriminating police files were published in the British newspaper that has used him as its source for hundreds of leaked US embassy cables.In a move that surprised many of Mr Assange's closest supporters on Saturday, The Guardian newspaper published previously unseen police documents that accused Mr Assange in graphic detail of sexually assaulting two Swedish women.
...In an editorial, The Guardian defended its decision to report on the incriminating police files. It said having been given access to the official papers, it had a duty to present a "brief summary" of the sex allegations against Mr Assange, together with his response.
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:11 PM
Labels: Irony, Julian Assange, Wikileaks