Steve Benen: Boehner's bewildering bombast
The Rude Pundit: You Can Hate Obama for Drone Strikes and Support Him on Other Things
Charles Pierce: Down The Pipeline
Katla McGlynn: Bill Maher Tells Donald Trump To 'Suck It Up,' Dismisses $5 Million 'Orangutan' Lawsuit
Imani Gandy: Racist White Rabbit at Disneyland Refuses to Dirty Paws on Black Kid’s Skin
NJ Star Ledger: Christie wrong to slam report about AshBritt cleanup contract with N.J. towns: Editorial
Jim Wright: Open the Pod Bay Doors, HAL
Steve Benen: This Week In God
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Must Reads
Posted by
Broadway Carl
4:00 PM
Labels: Charles Pierce, Imani Gandy, Jeff Danziger, Jim Wright, Katla McGlynn, Rude Pundit, Steve Benen
President Obama's Weekly Address - February 9, 2013
Averting the Sequester and Finding a Balanced Approach to Deficit Reduction
Posted by
Broadway Carl
1:59 PM
Labels: 113th Congress, Balanced Approach, Congress, President Obama, Sequester, Weekly Address
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
DesertCroneNM Pushes Back on UniteBlue
For those of you who follow me on twitter, you may have noticed I'm concerned about this onslaught of new followers I'm getting through something called Unite Blue. But I first need to set the stage for this little drama.
When someone follows me, it's generally after we've chatted or one of us has RTed the other's tweet. Before Unite Blue I had about 1750 followers, but in about a week, that number has jumped to 1960 without my having interaction with the the new followers. I can't keep up with them. When I get a new follow, I check her/his followers list to see if we have any common ones. Then I begin reading tweets. So this process takes some time, but if new followers pass my background check, I'll follow back.
I've just had a bad feeling about Unite Blue, which I've discussed with @jhw2212 (Jennifer on the this blog) during numerous phone calls. Today she called & told me to check if I was following Unite Blue. Well, I didn't need to check because I knew I wasn't. After much explanation, Jen finally convinced me that I was probably following Unite Blue and told me how to check. I'll be damned if I wasn't following Unite Blue.
I was completely astounded and began tweeting about my experience to warn others. I'm not casting aspersions on UB. Maybe it is what it claims to be. However, I like to choose who I follow, not have someone else choose for me.
Here's my theory. I think that somehow UB has taken over Connect the Left's twitter account, maybe by hacking into it or by some other less nefarious scheme. So when the name on the Connect the Left account was changed to Unite Blue, everyone following CTL became a follower of Unite Blue.
I don't like the way this was done. I think it was dishonest. And if this kind of deception becomes commonplace on Twitter, then I have no use for it.
Posted by
Desert CroneNM
5:08 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Must Reads
Charles Pierce: An Anniversary You Won't See On Television
Joy-Ann Reid: Four things that are true (even if Republicans don’t want them to be)
Mark Leccese: Scott Brown's Twitter trouble
Steve Benen: 'Ardent fans of the U.S. military'
Chez Pazienza: Stay Classy, Assholes
Alex Seitz-Wald: Memo to Mamet: Stick to plays
The Rude Pundit: Hispanic Republicans to White Republicans: You Can Still Be Jerks, Just Not Such Big Jerks
Posted by
Broadway Carl
2:10 PM
Labels: Alex Seitz-Wald, Charles Pierce, Chez Pazienza, Joy Reid, Mark Leccese, Mike Peters, Rude Pundit, Steve Benen
President Obama's Weekly Address - February 2, 2013
A Balanced Approach to Growing the Economy in 2013
Posted by
Broadway Carl
11:55 AM
Labels: Balanced Approach, Economic Growth, Job Growth, President Obama, Weekly Address