Thursday, July 26, 2007

O'Reilly Shows His Hypocrisy Again

A few days ago, Bill O'Reilly slammed JetBlue for sponsoring Yearly Kos, a convention held by the Daily Kos website, on the grounds that Daily Kos was a "vicious far left website" and equating them with the KKK, Nazis and David Duke. He sent a camera crew to the home of JetBlue CEO David Barger, to try to paint him into a corner.

O'Reilly then goes on to quote some of what commenters, not the facilitators, on the site write and avers that if it's on your site, you have to take responsibility for it.

Well how about this, Bill?


...O'Reilly's own Web site contains some of the most hideous hate you've ever seen.'ll be interested to know that while O'Reilly holds others responsible for the words strangers leave on their Web sites, on O'Reilly's Web site, he's not responsible at all for the hate and threats his readers leave behind. And I quote O'Reilly's own Web site:

" will not be held liable for any user activity on the message boards. We do not actively monitor user-submitted content."

You see, it's okay when he does it.And with no further ado, examples of's threats against Hillary.

Posted By: Wildabeast (4638 posts) - 24 July 2007 8:15am PTReply:
RE: If Hillary WIns, WIll You Be Respectful of Her?
If Hillary wins, I will be respectful of our leader. If you could read my thoughts, I would be on the SS [Secret Service] watch list.

Sounds like a threat to me. But O'Reilly's site isn't responsible. And by the way, you have to PAY to leave comments on O'Reilly's site, so BillO could easily find out where the comment came from and let the Secret Service decide if it's credible. Call me crazy, but I don't think he'll be very helpful.

This guy should just crawl back under the rock that he came from.

Here's The Colbert Report's take on it:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be ridiculous!He's not going to call the secret service when he's got..........FOX SECURITY onthr case!
