Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bill Kristol on The Daily Show

Bill Kristol, Editor of The Weekly Standard, advocate of the War in Iraq, who was once quoted as saying, "There's been a certain amount of pop sociology in America ... that the Shia can't get along with the Sunni and the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of Islamic fundamentalist regime. There's almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq's always been very secular"... yes, that Bill Kristol, was Jon Stewart's guest on The Daily Show Monday night.

He's just come back from 8 days in Iraq, and he reports that it's all going... wait for it... "well."

Stewart asks Kristol to help him understand the vitriol cast upon those who oppose the war.

Stewart: "I obviously have been against the war from the start, didn't think it was a good idea. Here's what I don't understand: how, if it doesn't go well, if it continues to go badly, how will that be my fault?"

Kristol: "It will be your fault if we pull the plug on a strategy that is now working..."

So here is where this game of chess has progressed. If it goes well, we congratulate Bush and the Republicans, if it goes badly, it's the anti-war groups and the soft-on-defense Democrats who are to blame. Which scenario do you think is more likely to happen? Check. It's a "can't lose" situation in their eyes.

Stewart backs Kristol against the wall by succinctly outlining what went wrong and how a true leader would admit those mistakes and bring the country together and not dismiss those who disagree with him. Kristol sidesteps it with a Jew joke.

Other infamous quotes and predictions by Kristol:

April 28, 2003: "The battles of Afghanistan and Iraq have been won decisively and honorably."

July 26, 2004: "...what so many reporters seem to have trouble understanding--is that Iraq and al Qaeda had a relationship that, by its very existence, posed a potential threat to the United States."

March 7, 2005: "Just four weeks after the Iraqi election of January 30, 2005, it seems increasingly likely that that date will turn out to have been a genuine turning point."

Read the full Glenn Greenwald blog, Bill Kristol: Pundit Superstar, and then wonder why anyone still listens to Kristol or how he even continues to get work.

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