Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Trump Takes Credit For Santorum and Bachmann

Say what now? Donald Trump hasn't been in the headlines for a week or so? Well, he'd better do something about that! We wouldn't want to forget about him, would we? So how about taking credit for Rick Santorum's frothy surge in the Iowa caucus last night?

Does Trump mean the debate that he backed out of because no one would be subjected to his idiocy? That debate? The one that didn't take place? I suppose that goes for Newt Gingrich as well, who was the first to accept Trump's invitation but came in fourth with 13% of the vote.

But not to leave well enough alone, he then explained why Michele Bachmann sank in the polls.

Ah, of course the reason Bachmann dropped in the polls wasn't her outlandish, gaffe prone rhetoric. Or that she would chest thump with Iran. It's because she denied The Donald and refused to kiss his debate ring. It has to be the only reason.

How many times in her life must Ivanka have uttered the phrase, "Daaaaaad... You're embarrassing me!!!"

1 comment:

NowhereMan said...

Gee I wonder how he explains Romney being on top?I would say Romney won because the voters were rewarding him for the terrible scheduling conflict he had which forced him to skip the debate.Seriously,why would anyone vote for Romney when he couldn't stand up to a blow hard empty suit like Trump? It was a classic the dog ate my homework excuse.
