Thursday, May 8, 2008

MCCain's Latest Daily Show Appearance

I have to say that I am disappointed in Jon Stewart. While I fully expected exactly what we got during last night's interview with John McCain, I was hoping it would be a bit more serious.

Stewart did ask a couple of decent questions, but since it is a comedy show, their wording gave McThuselah just enough room to wriggle out of answering them in the guise of trying to be funny.

And the "Do I salute now?" whisper when McCain made his entrance made me feel ill. I hope someone starts taking this "maverick" to task sooner than later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stewart likes mccain who has been on his show alot.He even defended him on the times story about his lobbyist mistress so he's not going to go after him like he goes after the equally factually challenged Bill Kristol
