Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Time For Harry Reid To Go

If Senator Harry Reid actually believes what he said: Senator Joe Lieberman "supports us on virtually everything except the war," then it's time for Reid and anyone thinking like him to go. He doesn't get it... OR he understands the game too well.

Well I say "Game over."

Here's my email to Reid:

Dear Senator Reid,

I am writing in regards to your appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and your statement, when asked about Senator Joe Lieberman. You said Joe Lieberman "supports us on virtually everything except the war."

Here are some non-war votes from Lieberman since the Democrats took over Congress in 2006:

Bill to ban the CIA from using waterboarding:
Democrats -- 45-1
Republicans - 5-46
Lieberman- NAY

Cloture vote on bill to restore habeas corpus (which Lieberman voted to abolish in 2006):
Democrats - 50-0
Republicans - 5-42
Lieberman - NAY

Vote to strip retroactive amnesty for telecoms out of the FISA bill (h/t Matt Browner-Hamlin):
Democrats -- 31-16
Republicans - 0-48
Lieberman - NAY

Vote to specify that FISA is the "exclusive means" by which the President can spy on telephone and email communications:
Democrats -- 49-1
Republicans - 9-40
Lieberman - NAY

Confirmation of Michael Mukasey as Attorney General:
Democrats -- 6-40
Republicans - 47-0
Lieberman - YEA

Cloture vote to proceed to consideration of No-Confidence Resolution for Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General:
Democrats -- 47-0
Republicans - 6-37
Lieberman - NAY

Can you please elaborate on your statement? If you believe that all these votes are related to the war in Iraq, how can a vote on restoring habeas corpus or a vote of No-Confidence on former Attorney General Gonzales possibly be linked in your estimation?

I certainly mean no disrespect, but I find in incredulous that you would feel this way. And I've forgotten one other important topic that Senator Lieberman is NOT voting with the Democrats on: the next President of the United States.

You can email Harry Reid here.

(H/T Glenn Greenwald)

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