Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama/Clinton Ticket

No. No. No.

I'm listening to Thom Hartmann online and he's theorizing that an Obama/Clinton ticket can win in November. Whether that's true on not I don't know. But the main problem I have with this idea is that Obama has been running on the message of change. How much change would that be with the old politics one seat away from the presidency?

If Obama picked Hillary as his running mate, his message would be seen as empty rhetoric and another avenue for the GOP to blast Obama.

1 comment:

elo said...

I definitely agree with you--an Obama/Clinton ticket doesn't make sense. And I would also venture to say that, looked at from a branding perspective, a listing as VP on the presidential ticket wouldn't be a positive for Clinton's 'brand' either (even if it would be even worse for Obama's). Dr. Tantillo did a post on this not very long ago: "Because of the length of this primary fight, brand identity and loyalty to brand have become central. What this means is that a kind of brand mutual exclusivity has set in."
(Full post here -
