Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin "Annoyed" By Couric

Can you believe this whiny bitch? She imitates a moose in the headlights during the Katie Couric interview and then blames Couric for asking the wrong questions, and then claims Couric "missed some really important things" in order for Palin to rail on Obama.

Did you catch that? This is what she said:

"In those Katie Couric interviews, I did feel that there were lot of things that she was missing in terms of an opportunity to ask what a VP candidate stands for, what the values are represented in our ticket. I wanted to talk about Barack Obama increasing taxes, which would lead to killing jobs. I wanted to talk about his proposal to increase government spending by another trillion dollars. Some of his comments that he's made about the war, that I think may, in my world, disqualify someone from consideration as the next commander in chief. Some of the comments that he has made about Afghanistan -- what we are doing there, supposedly just air raiding villages and killing civilians. That's reckless. I want to talk about things like that. So I guess I have to apologize for being a bit annoyed, but that's also an indication of being outside the Washington elite, outside of the media elite also. I just wanted to talk to Americans without the filter and let them know what we stand for."

So what Palin "stands for" is talking points against Barack Obama. Seriously - because if she really wanted to talk about what she and her party stands for, this would have been a perfect opportunity to do so. Instead, the Thrilla from Wasilla™ figured she could get her punches in and spew her craptacular talking points on Fox News.

You know, like the reckless Obama statement that air raids in Afghanistan had killed innocent civilians. That didn't really happen, did it? Of course it did, Sarah. And if you'd read a newspaper once in a while, you'd know that.

Or maybe the increase in taxes that would "kill jobs." You mean the jobs, 759,000 of which we've lost since this January alone, after 7½ years of Bush's economic policies that McCain would continue, are those the jobs you're talking about?

But she was annoyed at Couric for asking her softball questions like what newspapers she reads, as if anyone gives a fuck that she's only read the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman her entire life, and only for its comic strip section. She was annoyed at Couric because other than Roe v. Wade, she froze when trying to think of another Supreme Court decision - including one that affected her entire fucking state. She was annoyed that Couric called her out on her Biden slight of him "making speeches while I was in LIKE 2nd grade" ageist joke and had to backtrack to make it seem she was complimenting his experience.

How does talking about Barack Obama figure in letting us know what Palin stands for or what the values are represented by her ticket?

She was annoyed... Well now you know how the rest of us feel about you, Sarah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Imagine how we rational Alaskans feel?

