Friday, March 21, 2008

John McCain: Forgetful, Liar or Just Fucking Crazy?

Over the past few days, the media anointed Maverick has said some stunning things I never knew.

Speaking to reporters in Amman, the Jordanian capital, McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives “taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back.”

McCain said it was “common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.”

He's got to know what he's talking about on foreign policy because of his vast experience, right?... Right?

After his remarks, Joe LIEberman of all people, had to correct his statements. McCain then said, “I’m sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda.” Fuck, even Lindsey Graham was standing next to McCain was trying to whisper "extremists" under his breath.

Hmmm... okay, well it's hot out there in the Jordanian sun, maybe he's just a little tired. Now that he's corrected it, he won't make that mistake again, will he? I mean, obviously five years into the occupation I could probably go down to my local grocer and even he would know, if he were even peripherally following along, that Al-Qaeda is a Sunni extremist group, while Iranians are Shiite and both sects are diametrically opposed to each other. Surely, if I know that, then someone who claims his intimate knowledge of foreign policy makes him the best equipped to answer a phone ringing in the White House late at night would certainly know it. It must have been the sun.

Then the very next day, Mr. Straight Talk said this:

"Today in Iraq, America and our allies stand on the precipice of winning a major victory against radical Islamic extremism. The security gains over the past year have been dramatic and undeniable. Al Qaeda and Shia extremists -- with support from external powers such as Iran -- are on the run but not defeated."

What the fuck? Did he just say it again?! "Al-Qaeda and Shia extremists with support... from Iran"? Hey asshole, AL-QAEDA IS SUNNI! IRAN IS SHIA! They hate each other. Why? Because they're religious nutbags, that's why. Ask your friend John Hagee, he knows a thing or two about religious nut-ocracy.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq is a predominantly Sunni militant group which is blamed for deadly mass killings of Shiites, along with attacks on U.S. forces. Some extremist Sunni consider Shiites to be heretics and therefore legitimate targets of attack.
The schism between Islam's Sunni and Shiite sects grew out of a dispute over the leadership of the faithful following the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD.
Six-thirty-fucking-two AD. They've been opposed to each other for over 1,400 years! Ya got that, Sparky?

All this confusion amounts to one of three possible scenarios here.

1 - McCain is forgetful. McNasty is at the age (and I hate to make age an issue, but let's not forget about St. Ronnie) where 10% of people start developing Alzheimer's. Or he's just forgetful. Either way, I don't want that fuckwad anywhere near the red button. Fuck, he'd probably forget where he put his launch codes anyway.

2 - McCain is a liar. He knows the difference between Sunni and Shia, but he's trying to confuse Joe Average.

Equate Iran and Al-Qaeda on Page One and retract it the next day on Page 37 right next to the Wal-Mart discount coupons. Hell, Bush and Cheney did it with Iraq. If it worked for them, it can work for the Double Talk Express. If he's called on it, he can put on the ol' Wilford Brimley charm and shrug it off, with 99% of the media laughing it off, "Hee-hee, that good ol' John MCCain, what a card" while RSVP-ing "Yes" to the next barbecue invitation.

3 - John McCain is bat shit crazy. Everything from his nasty, get-off-my-lawn temper, calling fellow members of Congress chickenshit and telling them to fuck off, and singing "Bomb Iran" to the Beach Boys tune "Barbara Ann." A Republican friend of mine (a dying breed these days) actually defended McCain on the Beach Boys thing, saying it was just a joke, shrugging it off like the MSM does when it comes to the Maverick. But the point is, you don't joke about things like that when you're running for President.

And to be fair, who wouldn't be nuts after spending five years in the Hanoi Hilton? Yes, McCain is a war hero. But a war hero doesn't necessarily make a good leader. Let's not forget that McCain's had a life after Vietnam that's included moral conflict and a Senate corruption scandal. The problem is, he's got to stop pulling "facts" out of where he hid his watch all those years as a POW.

My ultimate analysis is that John McCain is a combination of all three: forgetful or starting to lose it, short-tempered and insane. And those three make a perfect combination to be Commander-in-Chief, don't you think?

The Sunni/Shia/Al-Qaeda/Extremists conflagration is all planned. Once is a mistake, twice is confusion, three or more times is a pattern. Confuse and scare the masses in the guise of national security and they'll follow you off a cliff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let mccain keep talking.The more he talks the deeper the straight talk express sinks into quicksand.By the time the conventions are over,theObama camp will have so much material to use in their ads,the country will be convinced he's going senile.By the way,still no sign of the "lobbyist" he was accused of having an affair with.I thought she and mccain would've sued the ny times by now!
