Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thanks, But No Thanks On That Campaigning Offer

HuffPo: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she's not only staying involved in national politics, but she plans to jump back into the national scrum when she leaves office at the end of the month.
The former Republican vice presidential nominee said she plans to write a book, campaign for political candidates from coast to coast - even Democrats who share her views on limited government, national defense and energy independence - and build a right-of-center coalition.
"I will go around the country on behalf of candidates who believe in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation," she said during an interview published Sunday in The Washington Times.
So that's her plan! Destroying the Democratic Party from the inside like a termite. What politician in their right mind, would want Palin anywhere near their campaign? Before you answer that question, remember that the operative words are "in their right mind."

1 comment:

NowhereMan said...

Even democrats?Hopefully she will campaign for Lieberman,Nelson,Landreu&Bachus since they are all conservatives so we can get rid of all of them.
