Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rudy Robocalls Withconthin

Can you imagine getting a call like this?

Hi, thith ith Rudy Giuliani and I'm calling for John McCain and the Republican National Committee, becauthe you need to know that Barack Obama oppotheth mandatory prithon thententheth for thex offenderth, drug dealerth, and murdererth. It'th true, I read Obama'th wordth mythelf. And rethently, Congrethional liberalth introduthed a bill to eliminate mandatory prithon thententheth for violent criminalth -- trying to give liberal judgeth the power to dethide whether criminalth are thent to jail or thet free. With prioritieth like thethe, we jutht can't trutht the inethperienthe and judgment of Barack Obama and hith liberal allieth. Thith call wath paid for by the Republican National Committee and McCain-Palin 2008.

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