Thursday, March 5, 2009

Barbara Bush Has Heart Surgery...

... apparently to remove the black part.


Anonymous said...

Nice....a touch of the same strata as the statement that Ruth Ginsburg will be dead in a year.

Why oh why are liberals such desperate cowards always doomed for failure?

BO will beat out Jimmy Carter as the snarkiest douchebag president of all time!

Broadway Carl said...

Oh, yeah. I knew it was in poor taste. But I also knew some idiot conservative douchebag would respond with something stupid like, "Why oh why are liberals such desperate cowards always doomed for failure?" and "BO will beat out Jimmy Carter as the snarkiest douchebag president of all time!", none of which has anything to do with Barbara Bush and her surgery.

Good job! Thanks.

ChrisV82 said...

I wonder what kind of demonic, twisted vagina Barbara Bush must possess to have spawned such warped hell-children.
